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Überspannungsschutz für TGA
DEHN protects technical building equipment

Surge protection for technical building equipment

Upholding the infrastructure

Protection measures ensure that the basic supply structures of buildings are stable and reliable. Technical building equipment is what brings a building to life. It encompasses heating, sanitary engineering, telephone systems, public address systems, data systems, electrical engineering as well as lift technology. If central organs fail, the entire "organism of the building" may be at risk.

Closing security gaps

All technical building equipment falls back on the central power and data system. This also means that operators often rely on the upstream protection measures for the electric devices in these systems.

But what happens if there are gaps?

Central components of the technical building equipment then face surges without any protection whatsoever.
As a result, nothing works anymore after a thunderstorm. An unnecessary risk!


Prevent damage by means of an efficient surge protection concept and take precautions:

In the upstream sub-distribution board including, for example:

  • DEHNguard (power supply)
  • BLITZDUCTOR (data technology)

Directly at the device to be protected:

  • DEHNflex (power supply)

Observing normative requirements

IEC 60364-5-53, clause 534 calls for separate surge arresters directly at the consumer (e.g. air-conditioning container or heating sensor) if the cable length between the power supply and the upstream electrical connection exceeds 10 m.

If machines or devices may cause transient overvoltages themselves (e.g. when switching high loads), protection measures have to be taken directly at this consumer. This is an important aspect which is often neglected in technical building facilities.

Networked risk

Technical building equipment in modern buildings is interconnected and interdependent.

An example is the power system where many components interact to optimise consumption and save resources. Specified temperatures or solar radiation control shading and activate heating, air-conditioning and ventilation processes.

If a single component fails, the function of the entire system of the building is affected.

A carefully planned protection concept for the technical building equipment prevents surge damage and ensures the smooth interaction of all components.


Have you got any questions? Contact us.

Technical support

Phone: +49 9181 906 1750

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